What is Dr.rashel collagen breast mask?
Dr.rashel collagen breast mask helps in revitalizing breast cells, and also works to prevent breast sagging. It helps to strengthen the chest muscles to make them tight. Accelerates blood circulation in the tissue breast thus enhancing the collagen capacity.
Dr.rashel collagen breast mask price 2025 in UAE
At Beauty Expert, Dr.rashel collagen breast mask is available for purchase for just [cl product price] per packet.
Dr.rashel collagen breast mask benefits
- Improving the position of the breast and increasing its size.
- Provides nutrients from vitamins, minerals, hydration, and elasticity to the skin and maintains its youth.
- Provides the nutrients needed to maintain the shape of the breast.
- Increases its elasticity and increases the size of breast tissue.
- Breast mask tightens the skin, and helps lift the breasts.
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How to use Dr.rashel collagen breast mask
- Cleanse and thoroughly dry your chest.
- After opening the foil package and peeling off the plastic liner, for the best result, use the chest mask immediately after opening the foil package.
- Apply the chest mask as shown, and smooth the mask gently to ensure good contact with the skin.
- Water the chest mask for about 30 minutes or wear the breast make while you sleep. (not more than 12 hours)
- Remove the chest mask gently.
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Dr.rashel collagen breast mask instructions
- Do not reuse chest mask.
- For external use only.
- Avoid using it on high-degree sunburn or scratched skin.
- Avoid using hyper-sensitive skin.
- Stop using it if any irritation occurs.
- Keep out of reach of children.
Dr.rashel collagen breast mask reviews
One customer review “Dr rashel mask for breast helps to give an overall healthy glow and improve the appearance of the bust area. Formulated with powerful firming, lifting, and volumizing ingredients”
Advantages of collagen breast mask
- Rich in collagen and other vitamins that help to firm up the skin.
- Firms up the whole appearance of the bust area.
- Made with honey and milk which add extra benefits.
Disadvantage collagen breast mask
- The package contains only one sheet.
- Can’t be reused.
- It takes time to absorb into the skin.
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Frequently asked questions about Dr.rashel collagen breast mask
How do you use a Rashel breast mask?
After peeling off the plastic liner, use the chest mask immediately after opening the foil package to ensure good contact with the skin. Cleanse and thoroughly dry your chest before applying the breast make. Wear the mask for about 30 minutes or wear it while you sleep for less than 12 hours.
Dr.rashel collagen breast mask price in UAE
You can buy Dr.rashel collagen breast mask from Beauty Expert at a price of only AED per package.
Ask for our Dr.rashel collagen breast mask offers at a special price and enjoy our best offers at Beauty Expert, by contacting us through the following numbers:
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