Lipo 6 Black Hers, Extreme Potency, Nutrex Research, 120 Capsules

  • Production of Nutrex Research Co.
  • 120 Capsules, Female specific weight loss support and Appetite restrainer.
  • Dietary supplement.
(22 customer reviews)
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Lipo 6 Black hers Review

Lipo 6 Black hers 120 Capsules is a strong formula, unique and specific for women,  supporting females to lose the extra weight in no time But most importantly, it provides women with the essential vitamins that balances their diet, and keeps them strong. It helps women lose weight by changing the body physiological composition and work on it to improve the metabolic rate, as it has the triology of clinically validated Advantra Z, the thermogenic activator Yohimbine and Zingerone, altogether proven to increase the metabolic rate. Also it restrains the appetite, that way you can control your diet easily to burn the undesired Fat accumulation.

So, Having slow metabolism? No worries, this changes in no time.

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Lipo 6 Black hers| Weight loss support has the following advantages:

  • It helps you reach the maximum calories burning capability.
  • It works by more than one physiological technique to speed up your metabolic rate.
  • It supports you with essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vit D, Vit B complex and Vit B12, also it provides you with Calcium. That way you’d never be weak, but even stronger.
  • It provides alertness and promotes you with high energy to compensate any fatigue due to the diet.
  • It has the flexibility to change the dosage easily to suit your case and the amount of weight you wish to lose.
  • It is an Appetite suppressor, that way you can easily control your Diet.



Lipo 6 Black hers Dosage and use:

  • It is taken by a maximum dose of Three (3) Capsules in the morning and Three (3) Capsules in the afternoon. It must be taken one (1) Hour prior to any meal.
  • The dose is a maximum of 6 Capsules daily.
  • It is not to be taken with meals.
  • Do not take within six (6) hours of sleep.
  • Do not consume Lipo 6 Black over sixty (60) continuous days, after 60 days, you should take a 15 days break.

When consuming Lipo 6 Black hers| 120 capsule you should do the following:

  • Don’t use any other weight loss source unless prescribed by your Physician.
  • You should control your other Caffeine sources intake, like coffee, tea..etc and some medications. Also, don’t consume Alcohols while using Lipo 6 Black hers Capsules.

Lipo 6 Black hers Contraindications:

  • If you have any of the following diseases, you should have consultation before taking Lipo 6 hers capsules:
  • Cardiac arrhythmia, Hypertension, Heart, Kidney and Liver, Thyroid diseases, Difficulty urinating.
  • Recurrent Headaches, Enlarged Prostate, Glaucoma, psychiatric disorders and Diabetes.
  • Not for the use of those under (18) years old, and not be used if pregnant or nursing.
  • Keep away from reach of children.

22 reviews for Lipo 6 Black Hers, Extreme Potency, Nutrex Research, 120 Capsules

  1. إيمان جمال (verified owner)

    مفيد جدا ويلاحظ التغيير بمدة قصيره

  2. Manar Hassen (verified owner)

    المنتج حلو جدا و النتيجه رهيبه و ساعدني جدا

  3. عبدالعظيم البرغوتي (verified owner)

  4. Mark (verified owner)

    من افضل المنتجات اللى حصلت عليها من عندكم ومفعوله سريع ومفيد جدا

  5. Salma Sowellem (verified owner)

    كتير ممتازة الجودة رائعة المكونات جيدة الكمية تكفي فترة طويلة

  6. Nadia Mohamed ali (verified owner)

    The quality is average, focus too much on unnecessary things

  7. Ahmed Nabel (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  8. Rokaya Shaheen (verified owner)

    من اكتر الاماكن اللى كنت مرتاحه وانا بتعامل معاها

  9. عصام ممدوح (verified owner)

    المنتج حلو جدا و النتيجه رهيبه و ساعدني جدا

  10. وائل علي (verified owner)

    روعه و هطلب منه تاني عشان بجد ملقتش المنتج عند شركه تانيه بالجوده دي

  11. Abdelrahman (verified owner)

    If you take a look closely, there’re quite some issues.

  12. Sheya Sirongo (verified owner)

    ممتاز والجودة رائعة اخترته بعد ماسمعت نصيحة حد من الفريق

  13. عبدالله محسن (verified owner)

    Not bad, but the service does not meet my expectations.

  14. Safya Abdelaziz (verified owner)

    الشحن سريع و شركه شحن محترمه

  15. shama khaled (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  16. ابراهيم البطل (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  17. Marco Gobbi (verified owner)

    ممتاز من حيث الجودة والمكونات طبيعية وامنه والعبوة محكمة ومن حيث الفائدة

  18. Maysa Hefny (verified owner)

    الفاعليه حلوه و شركه موثوق فيها

  19. Mirette sobhy (verified owner)

    شديد المفعول حقا! استعملة عند الحاجة وفي الأوقات المناسبة

  20. amal alakad (verified owner)

    شريته هذا المنتج للمرة الرابعة ممتاز ومركز ومفيد انصح به

  21. علا ابو جبل (verified owner)

  22. محمد خليل (verified owner)

    اولا هذي الشركة احبها كل شي اخذه منها جميل ومفعوله واضح

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