
Neurobion ampoules injection

  • Neurobion injections treat nerve impairment.
  • Provide B vitamins.
  • Helps improve overall health.
  • Treats anemia and supports the body’s metabolism.

(22 customer reviews)

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Neurobion ampoules injection is one of the most important and popular nutritional supplements that many people are looking for to provide the body with vitamin B, especially in cases of neuritis, because the formula is a unique group of essential B vitamins that help improve the functioning of nerves.

Neurobion injections provide many benefits other than improving Nerves It helps in improving the general health of the body, and getting rid of anemia, blood thinness, memory loss, and other stressful conditions. It is recommended by many doctors for patients with nervous system disorders or its cells.

Neurobion ampoules injection uses

  • Neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Anemia.
  • heart problems;
  • Vitamin B deficiency.

Benefits of Neurobion Needles

  • Neurobion injections support and strengthen the body’s nerve cells.
  • Protects the nervous system from pain and ailments.
  • Compensates for the lack of B vitamins in the body.
  • Neurobion injections relieve you of pain in the sciatic nerve (sciatica).
  • Helps to treat anorexia.
  • Strengthens the bones and protects them from pain and inflammation.
  • Helps to provide the body with activity and vitality and reduce fatigue.
  • Neurobion injections support the body’s metabolism.
  • Thanks to their high content of B vitamins, help in treating anemia, by increasing the levels of red blood cells in the body.
  • It helps to get rid of some diseases related to the digestive system, which result in a defect in the metabolism process, such as irritable bowel disease, as well as stomach ulcers.
  • It helps support the mother with nutrients that are important to her during pregnancy and her baby.
  • Contributes to the treatment of split ends and hair loss.

Imported Neurobion Injection Ingredients

Neurobion contains the following:

  • Thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1): 200 mg.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6): 50 mg.
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12): 1000 mcg.

Package Contents

Neurobion injection pack contains 3 ampoules of 3ml each.

Neurobion injection dosage for adults

  • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the appropriate dose and duration of treatment for you to use Neurobion injections.
  • In normal cases, one ampoule of Neurobion ampoules is taken intramuscularly once every three days.

Neurobion injection price

Available at Beauty Expert at a discounted price, 165 AED per package.

You may also like: Best vitamin b complex tablets from Natrol

Neurobion ampoules injection side effects

Neurobion injections do not cause harm or result in harmful side effects, because Neurobion contains a group of vitamins B1 B6 B12 and has been fully tested,  however, there are some notes to keep in mind before using Neurobion ampoules.

  • Those who are allergic to the B vitamins that make up Neurobion tablets.
  • Babies and newborns.
  • People with chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.


  • Neurobion tablets must be used under medical supervision if you are taking certain medications.
  • A doctor must be consulted first before using it in medical conditions such as liver and kidney patients and iron deficiency in the body.
  • Neurobion tablets should be taken under medical supervision and with extreme caution during pregnancy or when planning pregnancy, and while breastfeeding.
  • Keep the product away from your children.
  • Store in a cool dry place.

Ask for our Neurobion ampoules injection offers at a special price and enjoy our best offers at Beauty Expert, by contacting us through the following numbers:

01007224868 || 01007224868

22 reviews for Neurobion ampoules injection

  1. هدى طه (verified owner)

    اهم حاجه فى التعامل معاكم فعلا المصداقيه ونفس المنتجات اللى بنشوفها بتوصلنا

  2. بسمه رضا رضا (verified owner)

    الاوردر أتأخر شوي

  3. سمااح حسن (verified owner)

    منتجات فوق الوصف دايما في نجاح

  4. هشام السيد (verified owner)

    اهم حاجه فى التعامل معاكم فعلا المصداقيه ونفس المنتجات اللى بنشوفها بتوصلنا

  5. Eng nura Fawzy (verified owner)

    من افضل المنتجات اللى حصلت عليها من عندكم ومفعوله سريع ومفيد جدا

  6. Ahmed Elhrmeel (verified owner)

    مفيد جدا ويلاحظ التغيير بمدة قصيره

  7. ahmed adel (verified owner)

    A promising product, worth trying

  8. Hisham Amin (verified owner)

    الفاعليه حلوه و شركه موثوق فيها

  9. Moamen Elsayed (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  10. Heidi Hussien (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  11. Omar Ghazal (verified owner)

    منتجات فوق الوصف دايما في نجاح

  12. Mostafa Mahmoud (verified owner)

    If you take a look closely, there’re quite some issues.

  13. اسلام حسين (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  14. زياد محمد كمال دسوقى (verified owner)

    Think this could be a potential item in the future

  15. رشا شهاب (verified owner)

    جوده المنتج كويسه جدا

  16. آيه شريف (verified owner)

    منتج رائع! يتوافق تمامًا مع المعايير والصفات الموضحة الموضحة على الملصق

  17. اسماء عماد (verified owner)

    اولا هذي الشركة احبها كل شي اخذه منها جميل ومفعوله واضح

  18. بشير اشرف (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  19. Shaymaa Aymen (verified owner)

    من اكتر الاماكن اللى كنت مرتاحه وانا بتعامل معاها

  20. داليا محمد (verified owner)

    Not the best thing, but worth the money

  21. سامح صادق (verified owner)

    التوصيل سريع و في المعاد المظبوط

  22. Christine Ibrahim (verified owner)

    شديد المفعول حقا! استعملة عند الحاجة وفي الأوقات المناسبة

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