
Nicorette chewing gum fights against smoking cravings

  • Keeps cravings at bay.
  • Relieves symptoms of withdrawal
  • A tasty approach to quit smoking
  • It has been clinically shown to assist you in quitting smoking.
(22 customer reviews)

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Chew a piece of Nicorette chewing gum every time you feel the need to smoke, up to 15 times a day. To control your nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms, you should use fewer and fewer gums over time. We recommend gradually reducing the number of chewed gum pieces per day.

Reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms, increasing your chances of quitting smoking for good.

Nicorette chewing gum benefits

  • Helps you quit smoking for good
  • Nicotine gum actively battles cravings to help you quit smoking.
  • Cravings, irritability, low mood, restlessness, anxiety, poor focus, and increased appetite are just a few of the withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking.
  • Nicotine gums are delicious quit-smoking aids that allow you to actively manage how much nicotine you use.
  • Nicorette 4mg is a nicotine alternative that you can take anywhere, anytime.
  • Increases your energy and restores your health.

Nicorette gum directions

  • Slowly chew nicotine gum until you taste it or experience a tingling sensation on your tongue.
  • Then stop chewing and let the gum rest on your tongue until the flavor fades.
  • Start eating again after approximately a minute, when the twitching is virtually gone.
  • Repeat this method for about 30 minutes, or until the nicotine tingle is gone.
  • You can eat a second piece of nicotine gum within an hour if you have a severe or regular need.

Package contents

Comes in 2mg or 4mg to let you choose the right strength based on how much you smoke

Nicotine chewing gum price

Nicorette chewing gum is available at Beauty Expert at a discounted price, 450 AED per package.

Safety information

  • For the first six weeks after quitting smoking, chew one piece of gum every one to two hours.
  • For the first 6 weeks after quitting smoking, take at least 9 Nicorette tablets every day.
  • To avoid becoming hooked on nicotine gum, you should gradually quit using it.
  • Nicorette gum is not recommended for use during pregnancy or nursing.
  • If you have a specific ailment such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease, you should consult a doctor before using the product.
  • Consult your doctor if you have significant cravings or are having trouble stopping using this prescription.
  • You should first visit your doctor if you are allergic to any of the chemicals in Nicorette gum.
  • Only for adults aged 15 and up.

22 reviews for Nicorette chewing gum fights against smoking cravings

  1. شريف عواد (verified owner)

    حلو جدا شكرا لامانتكوا

  2. Samar Alkhrisat (verified owner)

    Think this could be a potential item in the future

  3. خالد خطاب (verified owner)

    نصحني به احد الاصدقاء ويقول انه مفيد ونتائجه رائعة

  4. Abagail (verified owner)

    من افضل المنتجات اللى حصلت عليها من عندكم ومفعوله سريع ومفيد جدا

  5. Randa Barakat (verified owner)

    الجودة مناسبة مرهه للسعر الحجم كبير المكونات جدا جميله

  6. Omar Tarek (verified owner)

    الفاعليه حلوه و شركه موثوق فيها

  7. كريم جمال (verified owner)

    Not bad, but the service does not meet my expectations.

  8. Ehab Gamil (verified owner)

    انا من اقدم عملائكم وكل مره فعلا بكون مبسوط وانا بتعامل معاكم

  9. إيناس فتحي جاد (verified owner)

    Think this could be a potential item in the future

  10. د عبير احمد (verified owner)

    من افضل المنتجات اللى استخدمتها

  11. Asmaa Hassan (verified owner)

    دايما منتجاتكوا رهيبه و دايما هتعامل معاكوا شكرا بجد علي منتجاتكوا

  12. علي عبد الحميد (verified owner)

    A promising product, worth trying

  13. هبة الجداوى (verified owner)

    شركه محترمه و خدمه عملاء ممتازين و المنتج اصلي فعلا

  14. Cecile Youssef (verified owner)

    Easy to handle

  15. Nabila Aly ismail (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  16. محمد العبد (verified owner)

    احسن منتج استخدمته

  17. لجين الاصفر (verified owner)

    كل المنتجات جودتها عاليه وفى مصداقيه كبيره اوى فى التعامل

  18. Haya Salah (verified owner)

    روعه و هطلب منه تاني عشان بجد ملقتش المنتج عند شركه تانيه بالجوده دي

  19. سلطان ال دغمان (verified owner)

    Not the best thing, but worth the money

  20. منيرة شافي محمد شرايك (verified owner)

    Great item. Easy to use and really clean. Worked perfectly!

  21. ريم راغب (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  22. محمود حسين (verified owner)

    اهم حاجه فى التعامل معاكم فعلا المصداقيه ونفس المنتجات اللى بنشوفها بتوصلنا

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