Herbal max slim forma capsules for slim body 30 capsules

  • Improves your physical health by reducing obesity.
  • Give you a slim and perfect body by burning fat.
  • Reduces the feeling of hunger, and suppresses your appetite.
  • Slim forma capsules give you the perfect weight in the shortest time by making you lose 4 kilos in a week.
  • Package content: 30 capsules.
  • Produced by: Herbal max slim.
(22 customer reviews)
  • ✅ Professional customer service.
  • 🚀Fast Shipping.
  • 🎖️ 100% original products.
  • ✅ Payment upon receipt.

What are slim forma capsules?

It contains natural components and fibers rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and it effectively reduces excess weight, helping to lose 4K in just 7 days. Additionally, it aids in tightening the body to shape textures, eliminate belly fat, buttocks, and fetuses, and lessen sagging and cellulite.

Herbal max slimforma price in UAE 2024

You can buy slim forma capsules from Beauty Expert at a price of only AED per package.

Herbal max slim forma benefits

  • Regulates cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood.
  • Increase burning fat rates which leads to preventing it from accumulating.
  • Contains vitamins, minerals, and fibers to provide your body with energy.
  • Improves bowel movement and reduces digestive system disorders.
  • Increases happiness and reduces hunger by stimulating the serotonin enzyme.
  • Slim forma capsules prevent and control the transformation of sugar to fat.

You can get smart slim capsules for slim body 30 capsules

Herbal max slim forma ingredients

Active ingredients of slim forma capsules

Inactive ingredients

  • Garcinia Cambogia.
  • Green coffee extract.
  • Green tea extract.
  • Methylcellulose.
  • Guar gum.
  • Vegetable magnesium citrate.
  • Vegetable citric acid.
  • Hypromellose.

Slim forma dose

  • Recommended daily dose from slim forma capsules is 1 capsule.
  • Preferably using it on an empty stomach, before breakfast for half hour.

Herbal max slim side effects

Slim forma capsules don’t cause side effects; however, it could cause some side effects, such as:

  • Tiredness and fatigue.
  • Vomiting.
  • Nausea.

You can get Afro diet capsules for fat burn 40 capsules

Slim forma capsules contraindications and warning

  • Don’t exceed the recommended dose.
  • Avoid using it if you’re allergic to any of its ingredients.
  • Keep it away from children in a cold and dry place.
  • Not suitable for those who are under 18 years.
  • Avoid using it if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Don’t use it if you have a medical history of (heart, blood pressure, or diabetes) diseases.

 Ask for our offers for slim forma capsules at a special price and enjoy our best offers at Beauty Expert, by contacting us through the following numbers:

01007224868 || 01007224868

22 reviews for Herbal max slim forma capsules for slim body 30 capsules

  1. Heath (verified owner)

    شديد المفعول حقا! استعملة عند الحاجة وفي الأوقات المناسبة

  2. Buster (verified owner)

    If you take a look closely, there’re quite some issues.

  3. Lilla (verified owner)

    انا من اقدم عملائكم وكل مره فعلا بكون مبسوط وانا بتعامل معاكم

  4. Bailey (verified owner)

    المنتج كان كويس جدا ومفيد والنتيجه احسن من ما توقعت

  5. Elhousain ahmed (verified owner)

    مفيد جدا ويلاحظ التغيير بمدة قصيره

  6. Othman Ahmed (verified owner)

    احسن منتج استخدمته

  7. Ingy Hashem (verified owner)

    من احسن المنتجات اللي جربتها و فرقت معايا جدا شكرا

  8. احمد حاتم (verified owner)

    من ساعه ما استخدمته وانا بدعيلكوا فعلا شركه كويسه جدا و المنتج كويس في المفعول

  9. مرام عادل (verified owner)

    المنتج اصلي وسعره حلو ووصل في الموعد

  10. Hagar eldaly (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  11. مريهان عبدالملك (verified owner)

  12. احمد صالح (verified owner)

    من افضل الشركات اللى اتعاملت معاها امانه ومصداقيه

  13. Yusuf Attia (verified owner)

    ممتاز من حيث الجودة والمكونات طبيعية وامنه والعبوة محكمة ومن حيث الفائدة

  14. Shaimaa Reda (verified owner)

    من اكتر الاماكن اللى كنت مرتاحه وانا بتعامل معاها

  15. Ali Sheikh (verified owner)

    Easy to handle

  16. اشرف شبل (verified owner)

    اهم حاجه فى التعامل معاكم فعلا المصداقيه ونفس المنتجات اللى بنشوفها بتوصلنا

  17. بسمه محمد (verified owner)

    جوده المنتج كويسه جدا

  18. Asma Tawfik (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  19. كرم عبد البافى احمد (verified owner)

    اولا هذي الشركة احبها كل شي اخذه منها جميل ومفعوله واضح

  20. مصطفى مشهور (verified owner)

    كتير ممتازة الجودة رائعة المكونات جيدة الكمية تكفي فترة طويلة

  21. علياء السيد حسن (verified owner)

    Great item. Easy to use and really clean. Worked perfectly!

  22. ياسمين سالم (verified owner)

    If you take a look closely, there’re quite some issues.

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