Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original to stop smoking cravings

  • Nicotine gum helps you to quit smoking easily.
  • Getting rid of nicotine from the body by smoking.
  • Reducing withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking.
  • Reducing cravings for smoking.
  • Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original pack contains 105 pieces.
  • Produced by: Nicorette.
(22 customer reviews)
  • ✅ Professional customer service.
  • 🚀Fast Shipping.
  • 🎖️ 100% original products.
  • ✅ Payment upon receipt.

What is nicotine gum 4mg original?

Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original aids in your transition to a nonsmoker’s lifestyle. Each piece of this gum provides you with on-the-go energy and a therapeutic dose of nicotine that is gently absorbed through the lining of your mouth.

Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original price in UAE

You can buy Promo slim from Beauty Expert at a price of only AED per package.

Benefits and uses 

  • Easy-to-swallow, unflavored, non-coated nicotine gum that delivers the genuine Nicorette flavour in every piece.
  • Controls your nicotine intake and reduces your desire for cigarettes.
  • Strong aid for quitting smoking that helps lessen the withdrawal symptoms that come with the process.
  • Designed to reduce anger, impatience, anxiety, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating—all signs and symptoms of cigarette withdrawal.
  • Gum is readily available in a handy, portable form so you may enjoy the soothing sensation of chewing.

Nicotine gum 4mg original components

Nicotine polacrilex (equal to 4 mg nicotine).

Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original Dosage

  • Chew a piece of nicorette gum until you feel a strong taste of nicotine in your mouth.
  • Then leave the piece of gum on your tongue without chewing.
  • When the nicotine taste is gone, chew the gum again.
  • Repeat this process for 30 minutes.
  • Gradually stop using nicorette gum original 4 mg.
  • Consult a doctor to see if nicotine gum is suitable for you.

Nicotine gum warnings instructions 

  • Stick to the prescribed dosage and follow the directions for use.
  • Some side effects, such as increased heart rate, may appear.
  • Not recommended for pregnant and nursing women.
  • Prohibited for those under the age of 18.
  • If you suffer from any temporary or chronic condition, you should consult your doctor first before taking nicorette gum original 4 mg
  • Place the product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

Advantages and disadvantages nicotine gum 


  • Distraction to reduce the desire to smoke.
  • The excretion of nicotine directly into the body in lower proportions than the nicotine produced by smoking.
  • Penetration into the mucous membrane is slower than nicotine from cigarettes.


  • Using it overtime can cause more harm than smoking.
  • Requires consistency to notice results.
  • Might cause temporary loss of appetite.

Alternatives products that help you get better results

Frequently asked questions about Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original 

Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original warnings

Ask a doctor before you use Nicorette products if you have:

  • A sodium-restricted diet.
  • Heart disease, recent heart attack or irregular heartbeat. Nicotine can increase your heart rate.
  • A sodium-restricted diet.
  • High blood pressure not controlled with medication. Nicotine can increase blood pressure.
  • Stomach ulcer or diabetes.
  • A history of seizures.

 Ask for our offers for Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original at a special price and enjoy our best offers at Beauty Expert, by contacting us through the following numbers:

22 reviews for Nicorette nicotine gum 4mg original to stop smoking cravings

  1. شريف المدني (verified owner)

    Not the best thing, but worth the money

  2. ايمان علي (verified owner)

    الاوردر متأخر والرد من الشركة مش سريع

  3. Maha Ashour (verified owner)

    المنتج حلو جدا و النتيجه رهيبه و ساعدني جدا

  4. محمود حمدي (verified owner)

    اولا هذي الشركة احبها كل شي اخذه منها جميل ومفعوله واضح

  5. علام محمد (verified owner)

    جوده المنتج كويسه جدا

  6. Waheed Kassem (verified owner)

    المنتج اصلي وسعره حلو ووصل في الموعد

  7. nourhan Ibrahim (verified owner)

  8. Mariam hossam (verified owner)

  9. اية مجدي عبدالرازق خالد (verified owner)

    Think this could be a potential item in the future

  10. احمد جمال (verified owner)

    من افضل المنتجات اللى حصلت عليها من عندكم ومفعوله سريع ومفيد جدا

  11. Ahmed Samy (verified owner)

    Great item. Easy to use and really clean. Worked perfectly!

  12. رفقى ثابت (verified owner)

    منتج ممتاز ونتيجته سريعه

  13. Amena abdelfatah (verified owner)

    نصحني به احد الاصدقاء ويقول انه مفيد ونتائجه رائعة

  14. Alaa Elsayed (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  15. Osama Abdelaaty (verified owner)

    الشحن أتأخر

  16. نهى سعيد (verified owner)

    A promising product, worth trying

  17. أحمد الخولى (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  18. Aya Eltaher (verified owner)

    من اكتر الاماكن اللى كنت مرتاحه وانا بتعامل معاها

  19. Maotaz Abdallah (verified owner)

    منتجات فوق الوصف دايما في نجاح

  20. احمد عوض (verified owner)

    Easy to handle

  21. علياء ابراهيم (verified owner)

  22. Mina Maged (verified owner)

    روعه و هطلب منه تاني عشان بجد ملقتش المنتج عند شركه تانيه بالجوده دي

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