Puritan’s Pride DHEA 25 mg is one of the nutritional supplements that has received many positive reviews. It compensates the body for the decrease in the DHEA hormone in body, which is the “dehydroepiandrosterone” hormone produced by the adrenal glands in the body, and levels of this hormone may begin to decrease after the age of thirty as part of The natural aging process, DHEA capsules support body function during the aging process.
Benefits of DHEA pills
- DHEA tablet helps in regulating the levels of the hormone Dehydroepiandrosterone in the body.
- DHEA supports the healthy regulation of fat and mineral metabolism.
- Regulate the functions of the adrenal glands in the body.
- Promotes healthy immune function in the body.
- DHEA tablets aid cardiovascular health.
- Helps support and maintain muscle mass.
- Supports the functions of the reproductive system.
- Fights aging.
- Improve egg quality and ovarian health in women trying to conceive.
- DHEA 25 mg relieves symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, as it helps in the secretion of the hormone of happiness.
- Helps to support energy levels in the body.
- Helps to improve bone and joint health.
- Improves mood.
- Improve sexual performance.
- Improves male sperm.
- Supports healthy skin and complexion.
- DHEA relieves menstrual pain.
- Reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the body.
- DHEA hormone.
- Calcium Phosphate.
- Vegetable cellulose.
- Contains less than 2% of Silica.
- Vegetable magnesium stearate.
- Vegetable stearic acid.
Package Contents
A pack of DHEA 25 mg pills contains 100 tablets, each tablet at a concentration of 25 mg.
You may also like: Natrol dhea 50 mg tablets
Recommended Dosage
The recommended daily dose is one tablet daily.
How to use
- Take a tablet of DHEA pills with the main meal of your day.
- Use with a plenty of water.
Puritan’s Pride DHEA 25 mg price
Available at Beauty Expert at a discounted price, AED per package.
Side effects
DHEA tablets do not have any harmful or annoying side effects, because they are made up of completely natural ingredients, however, it’s important to note that DHEA may not suitable for certain individuals:
- Do not use DHEA 25 if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding unless under medical supervision.
- Not suitable for patients with heart, diabetes, and pressure.
- Not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18.
- Consult a physician before using DHEA pills if you have or already have a family history of prostate cancer, enlarged prostate, heart disease, or low HDL (good) cholesterol.
- If you are using any other dietary supplement, or prescription medication, consult your physician first before using the pill.
- Do not exceed the recommended dose, as exceeding it may cause serious side effects.
- Stop using DHEA and call your doctor if you have a fast heartbeat, dizziness, blurred vision, or other similar symptoms.
- keep away from the reach of the children.
- Keep in a cool, dry place.
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