Super vitamin c 1000 complex plays a very important role in strengthening the immune system, promoting collagen production to nourish the skin, increasing Iron absorption rate, and is a powerful antioxidant, plays a crucial role in fighting against chronic diseases.
Vitamin C product is a pure formula of vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid comes from organic natural sources such as oranges and lemons. Vitamin C tablets also help prevent diseases and support the immune system and body functions.
Super vitamin c 1000 complex Benefits
- Vitamin C complex tablets has important role for a properly functioning body.
- Vitamin C capsules help to reduce influenza symptoms.
- Can be used daily to produce enough collagen to the skin.
- Helps to strengthen the immune system.
- Defend the body against many diseases.
- Helps to absorb iron efficiently.
- Helps to increase sex drive for men.
- It may reduce hypertension.
- Vitamin C 1000mg fights risk factors that lead to heart disease.
You may also like: MIVOLIS ZINC + Vitamin C
Super Vitamin C 1000 complex dosage
- Take one capsule once daily, with or without food.
- Preferably taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional.
- Please consult your doctor if you have any diseases.
- For adults only.
Super vitamin c 1000 complex price
Available at Beauty Expert at a discounted price, AED per package.
Super vitamin C 1000 complex | Puritan’s Pride
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- Vitamin C 1000 Tablets is certified by the FDA.
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